Our Server: TDC Tower

Sometimes filmmaking is VERY nerdy.

Introducing you to our post-production server, TDC Tower. For us camera dorks, having 70 terabytes of online and available storage is critical when managing multiple post-production projects.

  • Featuring parity protected storage that keeps projects safe. If your project is in the works there are at least 3 backups at any given time with the baked in ability to lose a drive anytime.
  • Also we have a ZFS segment that features ultra-fast editing available to anyone in our office. Further, it’s another backup if needed.
  • Both these sets of storage are disconnected from the internet – ensuring secure, safe data. Bad actors from the outside can’t even access your footage.
  • On a completely different set of drives, we have our own managed online storage. We’re able to upload files securely over our fiber connection to anywhere in the world, using just a link.
  • For all deliverables, not only are they backed up twice at our office, they live on Dropbox servers for the rest of our lives ensuring easy access and redundancy.
  • Last, after delivery, all projects are backed up to two drives and ready to be shipped to client or held in archive at our office.